
Showing posts from July, 2020

07/27/2020 Ay Beebe

This transfer has come to an end, and after 3 great transfers in Hot Springs as a zone leader, I will be training in the town of Beebe, AR for my final sprint. I am really going to miss Hot Springs. The ward is great and I am going to miss the wonderful people we have met and are teaching, but I am excited about Beebe as well.  The last week before getting transferred out of an area has been a blessed week in every area that I served in. Hot Springs was no different. We got a referral from a recent RM who was out doing summer sales. I was half surprised summer sales were still going on with COVID. They can knock doors, but we can't. Lol.  On Thursday we went on an exchange with the APs. I went with Elder Okland to Hope for a baptismal interview and Elders Probst, Mitton, and Phillips went to a lesson with someone. It was going to be our second lesson with him in person. And he accepted the invitation to be baptized! We have not set a date yet but he is progressing. He has been read

07/20/2020 Little chicken, big spider

Hey  This week was pretty great. I turned 21 months old. Wild to think in just a few months I will be home. This transfer also finishes up next week. We'll see what happens. Time flies, y'all.  This week's events have been pretty eventful. I went down to Hope on an exchange and had a very interesting experience pulling up to a house of a woman they had an appointment scheduled for. As we pulled up, a man on the other side of the street started calling out to us and waving his arms. We cautiously engaged in a conversation. Many things were discussed, most of which I know not of because it was pretty hard to understand him. In the middle of it all he did try to call some phone number, and his phone said the number was not receiving calls at this time. Then he had us call the number on our phone. Turns out it was the Hope Police Department non-emergency number.... The police department blocked this guy's phone number. Imagine what you have to do to have that happen.... any

07/13/2020 Guy going ham on a cello

The Arkansas summer is in full swing. Full sweat too.  And we actually spent a sizable amount of time outside. One day we went street contacting down one of the city walking paths. It was very refreshing to talk to strangers about Jesus Christ on a blisteringly hot day. Not even kidding. We had some great conversations. One guy said he was into bronze casting and making statues. He then invited us to see them and my expectations were blown completely away. One of his bronze casts was absolutely incredible. Also on Saturday, we participated in filming a sweet video for the Facebook page. It's a street interview style video in downtown Hot Springs. It was about how people find peace. Don't worry! I wore a mask the whole time. There is going to be a lot of editing involved so don't expect to see it for a little bit. We got a bunch of responses, some of them super deep and meaningful. It was so refreshing again to hear the insights of people from all over with very different ba

07/06/2020 Welcoming the Cahoons

President and Sister Hansen have now departed and the baton has been passed to the Cahoons. We got to see them on Wednesday and Thursday. They are awesome. They have a very different personality than President and Sister Hansen but a same love for the gospel, so I eagerly look forward to what these next couple months have in store. They are from Draper, Utah.  Our 4th of July was good! We did some service for someone we met a couple weeks back. He has a bamboo jungle in his backyard and we were sawing down some unwanted ones that were on the fringes and and throwing them into the jungle. We also went to a member's home for dinner and ate hotdogs and made s'mores. It was a great time.  Yesterday we hosted a Get to Know the Missionaries panel with the ward on Facebook. They could ask us questions. It went well. I, being from Minnesota, got asked how I liked the heat and humidity.  1) After service we were driving down Central Ave and Elder Probst and I saw this American flag pain