
Showing posts from June, 2019

06/24/2019 'Tis the season

Of moving.  Last week was moving, this week was as well. This week it was mostly a couple moving out of the Arkadelphia Branch. Lots of furniture. It was good though. They are really good people. We also have two more moves this upcoming week. Someone moving back to Arkadelphia, and another moving a block away from where they currently live. Fun fun We have finished teaching Karl all the principles before baptism, which is exciting. We are really happy for him. We watched "Only a Stonecutter" with him on Sunday because he worked for a time as a stone cutter. He really liked that. We have had some really awesome lessons with him. His testimony of change through repentence and the atonement of Jesus Christ is amazing. And his mom is a really strong member whose participation in the lessons has been invaluable. Also it was really great on Sunday. Remember that day many weeks ago where we biked to that one member's house that lives 15 miles away uphill? And how we

06/17/2019 Moving Right Along

Every single day from Tuesday to Saturday we spent time doing move related activities.  On the first three days (Tu, Wed, Thurs), we were helping a sister from Hot Springs move down here. The house she got was in pretty bad condition, so we deep cleaned and did some repair work, and organize furniture. This was very trying on my allergies.  On Friday, we contacted Mike, one of the guys we have been teaching. Turns out that day he said he was moving somebody, so we helped him out. It went pretty well. Mike said he was going to come to church on Sunday, but he did not. Oh well.  On Saturday, we got a text from a member about a less active family needing assistance getting some new furniture. The furniture was in Hot Springs, and we don't have the mile allotment to just drive around Hot Springs all day, so we enlisted the help of a man in the branch. With his truck we loaded as much of the furniture we could and delivered it. We didnt have enough time to get the other load

06/10/2019 The Flood Missed Us

Hello all. There was a lot of flooding this past week on the Arkansas River, and a lot of missionaries got to go help fill sandbags and stuff and help out with preparation. The big flooding missed Arkadelphia and we didn't go fill any sandbags. It would have been cool to do, but oh well. Maybe next time...?  Anyways, this week was pretty typical until Sunday. It rained a lot, it was hot (a little less humid though I think). We've had some lessons. Karl's doing well and came to church with us. He likes trick bikes, so we showed him the "Wheelz" video the church put out fairly recently about a guy who does trick wheelchair. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.  We did exchanges. Elder Short and I were in Arkadelphia on Friday and we committed a lot of people to church and were having great discussions with people, but despite those efforts, nobody out of them were able to pull through and make it to church. But we'll work better to help thes

06/02/2019 Wading through much humidity

It has been quite hot and humid here in the Arkansas. And we were very tight on miles, so we walked a majority of the week (my bike tire has had a slow leak in it since last transfer and has just now widened and has been rendered unridable, and we haven't taken the time to rectify that). And we did "The Murph" work out on Tuesday at the gym that we go to, which caused exceeding soreness. It's a mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and another mile run; we didn't even do the last mile run, but great was the soreness thereof. However, even amid the heat and soreness we still went about doing as much good as we could. We had some good gospel discussions with people this week. We had a lesson with Karl, the man that we have on date to be baptized. He related to Joseph Smith having deep spiritual experiences, and he really likes the idea and imagery of the 3 Kingdoms of Glory. He actually has a tattoo of the three kingdoms. We had Stake Conference