06/02/2019 Wading through much humidity

It has been quite hot and humid here in the Arkansas. And we were very tight on miles, so we walked a majority of the week (my bike tire has had a slow leak in it since last transfer and has just now widened and has been rendered unridable, and we haven't taken the time to rectify that). And we did "The Murph" work out on Tuesday at the gym that we go to, which caused exceeding soreness. It's a mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and another mile run; we didn't even do the last mile run, but great was the soreness thereof. However, even amid the heat and soreness we still went about doing as much good as we could.

We had some good gospel discussions with people this week. We had a lesson with Karl, the man that we have on date to be baptized. He related to Joseph Smith having deep spiritual experiences, and he really likes the idea and imagery of the 3 Kingdoms of Glory. He actually has a tattoo of the three kingdoms.

We had Stake Conference this week. Elder Gillinwater of the Area Seventy presided. It was good. He talked about being "All In" with the gospel. There was a big emphasis on Temples because the Memphis Temple has recently been reopened, and the saints in Arkansas have been waiting a long time for a temple in their state. A youth also did a demonstration of how to do Family History work. Sadly we couldn't see the screen due to the quality of the broadcast at the Arkadelphia building. 

Also Transfer News! This next transfer, Elder Green and I will be staying together in Arkadelphia for Elder Green's last transfer. In fact, every single companionship is staying the same in the Hot Springs Zone. It is the first time that President Hansen and the APs have never touched an entire Zone for transfers. I guess this zone was so good they wanted to keep it.... 

1) we did our studies at this park one day.

2) finally found Evans St

3) we power washed some of the pollinated spots on the church building. You can clearly see just how much pollen has accumulated on the building over the years.

4) this cat at a member's house will hop on your shoulders. "If I fits, I sits"


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