
Showing posts from October, 2018

10/25/2018 first REAL email, titled 8 Days a Week (you can tell he was raised by a Beatles fan)

It's finally here, and about time too. We were pretty annoyed when we learned that we would have wait a week and a day for our first P-Day. Having your first week of a completely new and different experience be this long before a break made it feel like a marathon. With three weeks in the MTC, we only get 2 P-Days. Big sad.  Anyways, entering the MTC was a quick but eventful process. They let you take a couple of pictures with family which you have probably seen. I haven't though. Paul, Hayley, Austin were fun to be with the night and morning before the MTC. Many Good Burger quotes. Anyways, the MTC intake has us zigzagging from the dropoff parking lot all around the building, to your residence hall, to another building, all in like 10 minutes.  After the intake when we ended in the last building, we met our district. 3 other missionaries in my district are going to Arkansas. The other 11 are going elsewhere, either Mesa Arizona or Chesepeake Bay area I think. One siste

The first email

So Elder Matt (EM) is serving in the Arkansas Little Rock mission. He was dropped off at the MTC in Provo by his brother, his sister, and brother in law. on the way to the airport in MN on Tuesday Laters How can babies walk away from their parents this easily??? "OK you can go now" In N Out Burger before the MTC induction on Wednesday. EM's brother says there were other families at the restaurant that were going to be dropping off their missionaries leaving sister's apartment MTC parking garage drop off And about an hour later, EM sent his first email: I have arrived at the MTC alive. Paul, Hayley, and Austin did a good job dropping me off and keeping me company. Next week Thursday is my P day. That's when you can expect to receive an email from me next.