
Showing posts from March, 2019

03/18/2019 I Like Lizards

Transfer #4 has begun. Elder Jolie only has one more left after this, so he is likely staying in Midtown until the end. Elder Deushane, who got transferred to Little Rock, got sick right during transfers, so his travels to Arkansas got delayed while his illness was tended to. He was shipped off on Wednesday though.  This week was a great week. The cold has past, and it didn't rain a whole lot this week. It was Memphis' spring break too, so kids were all over. We were knocking some apartments and these two 7-8 y/o kids followed us around as we knocked. It was pretty funny.  But yeah this week and the past couple has been a lot of service. We've volunteered with the Mid-South food bank, two community gardens, making shelves with the man who gave us all those Panera Bread pastries a few weeks ago. He is turning one of the rooms of his house into a green room. He's growing all sorts of vegetation.  Also while knocking on Sunday we encountered a man biking fall an

03/11/2019 Baptism and transfer news

This past week was mostly spent on preparing for the baptism of Kortavious. It was awesome. We taught him with Elder Deushane and Elder Seastrand, our district leader and one of our zone leaders. Kortavious has really blossomed, and the baptismal and confirmation services were great. It was my first time baptizing someone. I was super nervous because he is like a foot taller than me. But it was good... apparently I overcompensated my strength and went hard on the baptism itself, but Kortavious said he felt good, that's what's most important. Memphis 1st also had a baptism, so it was good to enjoy these successes together, as a district. The confirmation was also great. Elder Jolie confirmed him. I am so thankful for the time we have had with Kortavious thus far. And we look forward to working with him further, which brings me to my next point: Transfer news is in, and I am sure you are all wanting to know what's changing. Our district isn't changing much person-wis

03/04/2019 On date!

Yeah. We put someone on date to be baptized. For this Saturday! His name is Kortavious. He has been to church 3 times and we've met up with him. He is really cool and it's great to see the change in him since we met him. It's been incredible! He has been so committed to meeting with us and going to church. He also bore his testimony thus Sunday. It was really sweet!  Also another miracle. A couple weeks ago I talked about the identical twins and how one, the one that had a baptismal date back with Elder Paopao and Perkins, was away for medical treatment and the other, the one we met a couple weeks ago, was away for family matters. Well we were walking down the street they lived on and we ran into one of them (we couldn't tell because they are identical). He identified himself as Richard, the man who was away for medical treatment. He has come back from West Virginia! He is soon to be moving closer to downtown, but he was excited to meet us and told us to come back t

02/25/2019 Two More Weeks!

Until we get out of our current apartment. The apartment is being renovated in May and we contacted the mission office for arrangements to get us out ASAP. The move out date is March 8th. As far as I know we'll stay in the same complex.  This apartment has been an absolute ride. The rat. The twice clogged shower. The dysfunctional AC. The smell. The Sunday morning visitor. The police. The creaky floors that probably bothered our ground floor neighbor. It's the end of an era. This apartment has been in the mission for a long time. Lots of history. I may someday miss its quirks. Probably not though. This week has been rainy. Every day rainy. Two pairs of socks per day rainy. We started out determined to beat the rain, but the rain beat us by the end of the week. Elder Jolie's umbrella broke in the wind, and the Memphis sidewalks are not kind if it's raining. So our finding efforts were not super fruitful, but other efforts were fantastic, which I'll get