
Showing posts from March, 2020

03/30/2020 Back at that trio life

In a rather poetic form, I am again in a trio where I will be ending the missionary service of both companions. That makes 5 total "kills" at the end of this, half of the total amount of companions I have had in the field thus far.  Elder Ashworth and Elder Hakes are my companions, and they were my zone leaders when I was in Benton. Little did I know I would be joining them. I enjoyed having them as zone leaders, and am now enjoying having them as companions.  Elder Hakes is leaving for home any day now, due to health risks surrounding the corona virus, and Elder Ashworth leaves in 2 weeks, due to older missionaries being sent home early to make room for reassigned, previously foreign serving missionaries that will come after their quarantine. So in just a couple weeks I will be in a completely new companionship. Hopefully I'm not the senior companion zone leader, because I have no idea what I'm doing haha.  It has been very weird being transferred to

03/23/2020 Missionary work: Canceled (for real)

I rescind almost everything from my last week's letter. Since wednesday, we became limited to only seeing people in person if you had a set lesson with them, and that no group you are in exceed 10 people, and no contact with anyone over 60.  Since Sunday, Elder Davidson and I (and a dozen other missionaries we have made contact with) have been in strict quarantine. No leaving the apartment whatsoever. Someone we saw a couple days ago may have the corona virus so we have been confined entirely to our apartment, and any missionaries we have seen since. I'll spare you the details. Long story short: I'm never helping anyone with laundry ever again. Service is bad.  The good thing is is that he only MIGHT have corona. We got a call yesterday morning saying he did, but an email last night saying that the tests are not complete. The call interrupted a sacrament meeting we were having at a member's home with someone we were teaching. We had to leave and never came back. Su

03/16/2020 Missionary work: Cancelled

This last week has been an interested unfolding of events and announcements. It's wonderful that just a year and half or so ago, we were introduced to a church curriculum that focuses studying the gospel in the home, and two years ago were introduced to a higher and holier way to minister to others. We are truly a living church lead by a prophet who receives revelation from God. Also, remember to take your vitamins haha.  But the question remains, how is missionary work conducted amid this trying period of time. The answer for the ALRM: not much different than before. It has thrown in interesting twist into church attendance, that is it. Since church has been cancelled, members are now authorized to administer the sacrament in their homes under authorization at the bishop. So our goal to getting people to church has now shifted to trying to get people to a member's home for a short lesson and the sacrament, which counts for us in sacrament attendance. That switch ha

03/09/2020 Dollar pants and mud

We had a zone P Day last week, we were too busy having fun to email, and we had to give some other Elders a ride before and after and had things come up that kept me from writing an email last week, so this will be both weeks' email: Dollar Pants (Feb 24-Mar 1):  Last P Day we went to the store Dirt Cheap and I got some pants for   $1 . Nice. They're Banana Republic too. Not bad at all. The only problem is the side pockets are horizontally oriented in the front rather than angled on the sides of the pants, and the pockets are really shallow. It makes me think they are maybe women's slacks, but they fit me perfectly. Maybe I've just got broad hips??? Maybe it's why they were worth a dollar?? Maybe I'm just not boujee enough?  Other than that the work is going well. We didn't have very many miles for the month left, so we biked a lot, but the weather has been beautiful, so I have nothing to complain about. One day it was so nice that when a m