
Showing posts from December, 2018

12/17/2018 I'm a murderer

Yep. I have killed. Elder Paopao and Elder Perkins are pretty much dead. And I have killed them. They lived good lives, but their two years are up. Time for them to meet the grave. [Mother's note: If you are not familiar with LDS missions, this death is referring to the end of a mission, time for the missionary to go home. The elder who is the companion when a missionary "dies" is referred to as the one who "killed" the elder going home. Gruesome] Anyways, on the serious note. This week is transfers, and Elder Paopao and Perkins are going home to California and Arizona respectively. Good luck to them in college as they start in January. My companion, who I will receive tomorrow, is Elder Jolie. Elder Jolie is currently my Zone Leader, so I have had many interactions with him. He's short, which is nice. He's just right across the river in West Memphis. The Zone is also being restructured. West Memphis isn't even in the zone now. We have mostly

12/10/2018 Why you always lyin'?

Hello there Today's email going to be a little shorter than usual because today isn't really a P-Day. The Memphis side Christmas party is this week on Thursday, and that is our official P-Day. We have just been allotted a little time today to send emails because we won't have too much time on Thursday.  Anyways, this past week has been fairly routine. And by routine I mean bike troubles. Elder Perkins popped a tube this week. A pretty sizable glass shard punctured the tire. We had an extra inner tube, so we're all good now.  We also met some cool people this week. President Hansen is really stressing getting new people/investigators to church, so that's what we have been extending as an invitation for a lot of people we have talked to. One man named Mario (we think. I personally heard Maria, although that's a girl's and it may have been his accent) seemed really set on going to church. He said he hadn't found a good one and asked us where our

12/03/2018 Twist it. Turn it. Pop it. Bash it.

Hello people who may read this Every week is another adventure with the companions' bikes. Since they are both nearing the end of their mission, everything is falling apart. Elder Perkins is keeping his bag together with duct tape. Elder Paopao's backpack is staying together pretty precariously as well. And we had another bike fatality. We got a new tube last P-Day. It didn't last too long. 2 days later it popped. Not only that, but the tire itself busted. So we were walking again. Luckily we did secure a new tire and tube the next day thanks to the senior missionaries in our area, Elder/Sister Davis. They are life savers.  This week was a rollercoaster with our people. We had a lot of people drop us, which was sad, but we also met quite a few, although it took a bunch of tries for us to actually meet them (they were referrals who would set up appointments and then not be there). Most of the people that are interested in talking to us are 70+ years old. We end