03/11/2019 Baptism and transfer news

This past week was mostly spent on preparing for the baptism of Kortavious. It was awesome. We taught him with Elder Deushane and Elder Seastrand, our district leader and one of our zone leaders. Kortavious has really blossomed, and the baptismal and confirmation services were great. It was my first time baptizing someone. I was super nervous because he is like a foot taller than me. But it was good... apparently I overcompensated my strength and went hard on the baptism itself, but Kortavious said he felt good, that's what's most important. Memphis 1st also had a baptism, so it was good to enjoy these successes together, as a district. The confirmation was also great. Elder Jolie confirmed him. I am so thankful for the time we have had with Kortavious thus far. And we look forward to working with him further, which brings me to my next point:

Transfer news is in, and I am sure you are all wanting to know what's changing. Our district isn't changing much person-wise. The only missionary changing is Elder Deushane (our current District Leader). Elder Roberts is coming in to Memphis 1st in his stead. I've met him, but don't know him too well. Good guy. However, the biggest change is the district leader. Elder Roberts, who is replacing Elder Deushane, is not the district leader. Elder Jolie is. He's a great missionary and spent 9 months as a zone leader, as well as a district leader before that, so he is well prepared. 

By the end of this coming transfer, I will have been in Midtown for half a year! That's pretty crazy to think about.  

1) Kortavious and Kenny got baptized on Saturday. Also included in the picture is Brother Floyd, the mission leader in Memphis 1st, and serves as the public relations representative for the region. 

2) Elder Jolie, Kortavious, and I

3) old apartment empty

4) new apartment, cluttered. The move went well. We are mostly settled in now. Our new apartment is pretty nice. The kitchen is way good, but for the most part it's not too different.

5) another mural picture.


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