06/17/2019 Moving Right Along

Every single day from Tuesday to Saturday we spent time doing move related activities. 

On the first three days (Tu, Wed, Thurs), we were helping a sister from Hot Springs move down here. The house she got was in pretty bad condition, so we deep cleaned and did some repair work, and organize furniture. This was very trying on my allergies. 

On Friday, we contacted Mike, one of the guys we have been teaching. Turns out that day he said he was moving somebody, so we helped him out. It went pretty well. Mike said he was going to come to church on Sunday, but he did not. Oh well. 

On Saturday, we got a text from a member about a less active family needing assistance getting some new furniture. The furniture was in Hot Springs, and we don't have the mile allotment to just drive around Hot Springs all day, so we enlisted the help of a man in the branch. With his truck we loaded as much of the furniture we could and delivered it. We didnt have enough time to get the other loads though. We're hoping they acquired them somehow. 

That was pretty much our entire week. Happy Father's Day, fathers!

Verse I read this week that I liked:
Moroni 9:6: And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.

1) I caught a catfish last P-Day. Sadly we did not eat it. 

2) "Our house, in the middle of the street"

3) I believe my mom likes taking pictures of large blueberries she finds. This one's not too shabby

4) the sister we helped move in to our branch owns 6 dogs. This is one of them, Bob. 


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