07/06/2020 Welcoming the Cahoons

President and Sister Hansen have now departed and the baton has been passed to the Cahoons. We got to see them on Wednesday and Thursday. They are awesome. They have a very different personality than President and Sister Hansen but a same love for the gospel, so I eagerly look forward to what these next couple months have in store. They are from Draper, Utah. 

Our 4th of July was good! We did some service for someone we met a couple weeks back. He has a bamboo jungle in his backyard and we were sawing down some unwanted ones that were on the fringes and and throwing them into the jungle. We also went to a member's home for dinner and ate hotdogs and made s'mores. It was a great time. 

Yesterday we hosted a Get to Know the Missionaries panel with the ward on Facebook. They could ask us questions. It went well. I, being from Minnesota, got asked how I liked the heat and humidity. 

1) After service we were driving down Central Ave and Elder Probst and I saw this American flag painting on a retaining wall that some people were taking pictures with. I thought to myself, "the sisters are going to want to take a picture with that." Lo and behold, they pull up next to us at the next intersection, rolled down the window, and said "we want to take a picture with that American Flag painting." We did. 

2) the jungle

3) us and the s'mores. 


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