08/31/2020 you got any of them Hawaiian buns in there?

 Another week has come and gone in a flash. 

I haven't given a weather update in a while, and this week was a little bit more reportable: the vestiges of Hurricane Laura swung up here in Arkansas. We were told to go to our "safe house" for the day, but the parents of our safe house were at work..... so we just stayed in our apartment (with permission, of course). There was a fair amount of wind and rain. We lost power for 1 minute. Not too bad. Also we have had some brutally hot days this past week. High heat and high humidity. That's about it on that front. 
Hah, get it? Front.  ok

We spent a lot of time editing a video. If anything, the storm keeping us inside has given us some time to work on it. If you ever have wanted to learn how to do video editing, kdenlive is a really good software. It's free and it's pretty good quality. 

We had more really good lessons this week! Someone we are teaching is so awesome. She convinced her mom to let us go to her mom's house and meet us and have dinner. It was a really special moment. Also she came to the decision herself that she wanted to be baptized! We didn't even invite her!!! That has never happened to me before! So be praying for her! 
She is the person I said in a previous email that when we invited her to pray, she said has hadn't since she was nine. She told us yesterday that since we have invited her, she has been praying every day! Seeing her grow has been a great testimony builder for me. It seems like such a simple thing, but it has really made an impact on her and us (Alma 37:6)

(Also the title is just a funny out of context quote from this week. But it's hard to convey the hilarity of this situation over the written word. You just had to be there)

1. The Searcy District and the Beebe District just so happened to have the same plans for our District P Days, so we ran into each other hiking the Sugarloaf Mountain Trail in Heber Springs. 

2. On top of the loaf. 

3. This horse has heterochromia 

4. Look, I'm as tall as Elder Danielson!


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