07/15/2019 A few new leaves turned

Tomorrow starts a new transfer. Being Elder Green's last transfer, he will be going home. It has been a good two transfers with him. And I am staying in Arkadelphia. My new companion is Elder Andreason, who was actually one of Elder Green's companions in the MTC (he went home for medical reasons for a time and came back out).

This past week started with a temple trip for departing missionaries and their companions. So we all got shipped to Memphis. It was great to be in Memphis again. I've missed it. Elder Green's departing group was massive so it was a big group of us, so much so that we had to do it in two groups. 

For an interesting finding activity this week we did a free car wash in the Church parking lot. It was pretty fun. 

We had two meals with people that we have been sort of teaching. One was with the family that we met on that day we biked 15 miles to Bismark. It was a really awesome 2 or so hours. Questions, discussion, testimony. Then the husband came to church the next day and really enjoyed it. 

Then one man Elder Green met with his previous companion in Arkadelphia came to church yesterday as well. We have been trying to get in contact with him while Elder Green and I have been together, and we only had one lesson during our two transfers. He has been super busy at work. He came for as a farewell to Elder Green because he and Elder Green became pretty good friends. Afterwards we had lunch with him. 

Speaking of church, the Branch Presidency was reorganized yesterday. So it was a great day to have visitors. They got to hear testimonies of the released Branch President, his wife, Elder Green, the new Branch President, and hear from the Stake President. It was a way good meeting. 

1) at the temple

2) Elder Green and I with Brother McNeil, one of the members of the branch on our ministering list. We read the Book of Mormon with him once a week

3) we discovered a side door in the church was cracked. Still have no idea how it happened.

Elder Evans


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