08/19/2019 Bees

Hope everyone's week was good! Ours was good. It's also the last full week of the transfer! Here's the scoop:

School started up this week for the school districts in our area, which means I spent the full summer break here in Arkadelphia. And the universities will be starting their fall semesters this week, so the population of Arkadelphia has pretty close to doubled now, making the roads a little more packed, especially around Henderson, which is really close to our apartment. 

We taught some cool lessons this week. We taught a mom and two of her children. It was really the first time I've taught a mother and children before, so we it was really neat. A very pleasant experience. 

We also started (and stopped) teaching two brothers that we met completely separate of each other. They are part of the Buckley family. There are a few BIG families in Arkadelphia. Like where the parents had 10+ kids, and each of those kids had 10+ kids of their own. Not to mention relatives of the first parents. So there are some very common last names in town, and we happened to run into two brothers in completely different parts of town and teach both of them. 

Another funny coincidence. So Elder Andreasen served in the Choctaw Ward in the NLR stake and the ward mission leader there used to be branch president here, so Elder Andreasen asked him if there was anyone he wanted hs to go see. He gave us a referral and we went by; the home was abandoned. So we forgot about the person and then one evening we were done with our plans and didnt know what to do, and I just thought to knock a couple houses on the street we parked at. And guess what, we ran into her! And it turns out she's the mother of someone else we know. So we're teaching her and she's awesome. 

1) I really liked these clouds. Still was a super hot day. I can't wait until fall

2) got stung this week by a Red Paper Wasp this week, which I was informed by a member that they are one of the most painful stings. I don't doubt it. This is the finger all swollen. 

3) this little thing, a Velvet Ant, is also up there on the insect pain scale. Worry not though, It did not get me. It's actually a type of wasp, the females are just wingless. And unlike a lot of other hymenoptera, they are not social insects. Poor introverted bee. 

There's your entomology lesson for today!
Elder Matt


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