05/27/2019 The Den

Hello. This week has been a lot of ups and downs. 

We had zone conference on Tuesday. Zone conferences are always really good. We talked mostly about the various things we have been trying to implement in the mission and how they all fit together. 

Overall the work has been going slower. A lot of missed appointments and people not being home, and even when we promised cookies, people didn't come to church. We got to eat a lot of cookies on Sunday. 

However, we set a man on date to be baptized! His mom is a member and he has been to church a handful of times in the past. He has had a lot of spiritual experiences in the past and is so ready to be baptized!

On Friday we went to Hot Springs for pretty much the entire day. We had district council and President Interviews, then had exchanges in Hot Springs (to save miles. We don't have very many left). We taught a man who is currently living in a tiny house. And I don't just mean the house is small, it literally looks like a tiny house, with tiny doors and tiny windows. Even I had to duck to get through the door! 

Another thing we have do in Arkadelphia is work out with a group of people who own a Nutrition bar called The Nutrition Den. We do this on Tuesday and Thursday nights. They have all become pretty good friends in The Den now. It has been a good way to get to know people in the community, exercise, and share the gospel! 

1) me, Elder Short, Elder Green, and Elder Stradling, the elders of the District. Elders Short and Stradling are also the Zone Leaders

2) the whole district. Sister Dove and Sister Robinson, and the previously named Elders. 


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