10/05/2020 A Dispensing of information

I write this email to dispense information regarding the proceedings of this past week. I hope you enjoy: 

On Tuesday I lead my last District Council. In all honesty I won't miss that very much. Planning and conducting meetings is not my forte. Following district council, I went to Searcy on exchanges with Elder Hoopes. We went to a lesson with Jmoney, someone they found while interacting with the Facebook community. Having served in Memphis, I would not have been too caught off guard if his actual name was Jmoney. But alas, it was not. 

During the course of the lesson, family members would walk in, tend to something, then walk out. But as the lesson progressed, more and more people gathered in the dining room of their double-wide trailer home. They generally acted as if we weren't there besides maybe walking by and looking at us once and going about their business. Except the dad. He comes right in, interrupts, and starts talking about Moses, after which he somehow gets on the topic of dispensations. We were blown away because that's what we had just started teaching Jmoney about before he interrupted. To Jmoney, who had never heard of the word "dispensation," his dad related dispensations to the "dispensing of soda at a soda machine." Elder Hoopes and I ran with the analogy. And now we have an intricate analogy for the whole message of the Restoration as a soda machine. 

Also, I must note: during the course of this interaction, Jmoney's dad was standing. Not only that, but his legs would spread further and further apart as he talked. The guy had to have maxed out at a 110° angle.

The rest of the week was quite a bit slower. We've been helping a lady move. Being inside her house is not an enjoyable experience. 
To all my senses. 
Anyways, she gave us cans of food to give to people who needed some. We knew people who wanted them. However the cans were given were well rusted, well dented, and some even had MOLD on them. Well, I am not about to give people canned botulism, so we ceased that endeavor. 

With that all said, this weekend was great. General Conference was really good. I liked the overarching theme of unity and preparation. One message that stuck out was Elder Anderson, where he invited to speak of Jesus Christ more. In a world where his name is being said less, we need to say it more. We need to be ready to testify of his power or share about his life more. 

This week Brenda and someone the other Beebe elders should be being baptized. This is going to be a very interesting week, but I am super excited, and a little nervous. Pray for them! Also pray for Kieth, someone the Quitman 2 elders are teaching. He should also be getting baptized this weekend!

Well, thanks for enduring this dispensing of information. Have a wonderful week! 

1) we went frisbee golfing in Heber Springs for District P Day last week. Elder Kitterman purchased 17 discs at a flea market for only $65. 

2) making some fried chicken. Mmmm

3) the district + the zone leaders. I am surrounded by tall people


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