08/17/2020 Psych! There's four of us

 Remember last week how I said "until further notice there will just be two missionaries in Beebe." 

"Further notice" came about 3 hours after I sent that email. We got notified that we'd be picking up Elder Schuerch (pronounced "shirk") and Elder Kitterman, a reassigned missionary who flew in that morning. We got to drive down to the mission home that afternoon and pick them up. We took the opportunity to stop at Popeye's and get some fried chicken because Beebe doesn't have a Popeye's. 

So now there's four of us! It is my first time in an apartment with 4 missionaries. The dynamic is very different. Food is depleted pretty quick. But we have done pretty well. The members have been great at supporting us. 

We have done a lot of service. We make furniture for one of the members here who owns a flea market. It has been satisfying my urge to build something. 

Sunday was a struggle. One of those days where you have a bunch of stuff planned out and it appears like it's going to be a rapid fire day of lessons, meetings and so forth, but then they all fall through. Alas. 

But despite Sunday's relative frustration, we have had quite a few great lessons. One theme I noticed in teaching this week was an emphasis on the temple. We taught it a handful of times and during one of those times I felt a great appreciation for them and the sealing power access within them. I am super grateful for eternal families. We taught someone about temples and asked her if she would like to be sealed to her family and she said "Yes. Wouldn't everyone want to be?"

1) I realized I never sent the group photo from orientation for new/reassigned missionaries. With the great influx of new and reassigned missionaries, I know very few people in this picture. 

2) Elder Baird, Elder Danielson, and I, the shortlived Beebe trio. 

3) We're helping this family move right now and the mom wanted to show us something special. She brought us to one of her boxes and pulled out a towel and unraveled it: she has has a fossilized Hadrosaur Egg. That was quite nearly at the bottom of my list of expectations. But it's super cool. 

4) the family we moved also has two parakeets. This one pooped on me. Twice. 

5) the full Beebe squad


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