06/29/2020 Farewell to President and Sister Hansen

This past week has been the last full week of President and Sister Hansen's time presiding over the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. They leave on Wednesday when President and Sister Cahoon fly in.

The Hansens have taught me a lot. They have made me laugh. They have inspired me. They have helped me strengthen my testimony. I really am going to miss them. 

We did get to interact them a lot this past week which has been nice. We had MLC on thursday. It was a really good meeting. We as a mission have been focusing on teaching the atonement in a more personalized way. The roleplays we did were super insightful and have helped us as we have taught the atonement a few times since. 

We also filmed our Music Tribute at the North Little Rock building on Sunday. It will be shown on the Facebook page at some point in the future. As far as song selection goes, this has easily been my favorite Music Tribute. There are a few Mack Wilberg arrangements in there. 

We also had a lot of lessons. Saturday was one of the busiest days of my mission. We were either driving from an appointment or were in an appointment the whole day. We really have been blessed with many opportunuties to teach during the pandemic. 

1) we filmed some stuff as a district to videos we are making and we bought shaved ice before filming. That was a rather poor decision as there were a few heavily dyed tongues. 

2) We had Zone P Day last week. We bleached designs into shirts. Only one or maybe two of them are wearing theirs in the photo though. They were out drying. We also played a version of mafia/werewolves that a Sister in the district made called "Reign of the Judges." As you could probably guess, the bad guys are the gadianton robbers. I personally like the Korihor card: your purpose is to try to get the villagers to vote to kill you. If you get them to vote for you, the game ends and you win. I was Korihor one game. The game only lasted one round. 
Either everyone hates me or I'm just a really good Korihor.


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