06/15/2020 Chigger bites or leprosy?

This week has been a pretty awesome week! It made for a great last week of the transfer! We had the zone focus goal of having three new people being put on date for baptism, and on Tuesday, we just got rained with miracles. The missionaries in Hope, Camden, and Monticello all had someone accept the invitation to be baptized! Tuesday was definitely one of the best days of my mission, definitely as a zone leader. And on Sunday, one of the set of Hermanas here in Hot Springs put someone they are teaching on date!! It was super cool to experience. Elder Probst and I are staying together this next transfer, by the way. Excited to see how everything goes this next transfer!

We also had zone conference this week. It was great to see the whole zone in person! It was also President and Sister Hansen's last zone conference. We had a great time. President Hansen gave a great instruction on the atonement. 

Those are the big highlights for the week. Stay blessed! 

1) last week we took another district hike. This is where the titular chiggers come in. Elder Probst and I experienced the infamous chiggers this past week. They are like mosquito bites on steroids. They are bigger, itch more, and last longer. At least For me.... For Elder Probst it's closer to leprosy. I'll spare you the details. He must be allergic. 

2) during the hike we went to a lockout spot named "Goat Rock." It was a nice view, but I was fairly disappointed in that there really wasn't anything I would have personally named "Goat." There were no formations resembling goats, as I was naively hoping for

3) President and Sister Hansen and I. They are wonderful people and wonderful leaders over the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. I will still be able to see them at MLC next week before they go home to Washington. At Zone Conference President Hansen got a little trunky when he talked about mission reunions. He wants to rent a big fishing boat for a reunion where we as ALRM alumni will be able to all fish together. That's quintessentially President Hansen. 

4) found a cool turtle on our hike!!

5) also saw a wood duck while on exchanges in Hope! 


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