06/01/2020 Your are amazing

My week has probably been a lot less eventful than yours. My heart goes out to the people of Minneapolis and those whose lives have been affected, especially the family of George Floyd. 

One really cool thing happened this week. We had a lesson at the church! It was the first in-person lesson in over two months!! We had to wear masks, but at least we got to see each other in person. It was really refreshing. I like teaching over video call, but I don't having it be the only method of teaching. It was a good lesson too! We talked a lot about the priesthood and the apostasy. The spirit was definitely strong. 

We also drove a lot. We drove to Pine Bluff 4 times. Fun fun fun. 

Also the Bryant Sisters, the Sister Training Leaders, are no longer in our district, so it's back to just us and 4 sisters in the district. We still work with them because they are the STLs over our zone, but now they are not even technically in our zone so the dynamic of how involved they are in our zone is kind of weird. 

While our zone did not receive newly reassigned missionaries this past week, we had a few missionaries transferred. The missionary that replaced me in Arkadelphia just got transferred this past week. I left Arkadelphia last August. He spent a good minute there. 

Anyways, that's enough about my week! Stay safe, yall! 

1) the sisters in the district got matching face masks from a member of the ward. Now they can walk around in public and remind people that their are amazing.

2) our district without masks telling people that their are amazing.


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