05/18/2020 OK Google

Another week has come and gone, and it's been quite a trip. 

We started off the week with an online training. The Hot Springs and Benton zones met together and we discussed for many hours how we could improve our Facebook page. Not something I expected to do on the mission, but it was good. We also had our interviews with President Hansen. Because of the large amount of missionaries now in the mission and because he finishes his tenure as Mission President on the first day of July, he is doing his final round of interviews, so this was my last time being interviewed personally by him. I really am going to miss him. He has been a very inspired leader over the mission. I got some good council and direction from him that I will treasure for the rest of my life. 

We also had exchanges with the Assistants this week. I was with Elder Okland and Elder Probst was with Elder Phillips. We thought it would be great to go visit and minister to some missionaries in the zone so Elder Okland and I drove to Hope and bought them lunch and did studies with them. It was a good, fun time. 

Also, for something completely different, they rolled out something new that we are testing. Right now we have software on our phones that restrict us to using only certain apps and functions so we don't waste time just playing Pokemon Go or something. The mission this past week has allowed Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, and some other leadership to be able to do a bit more to test out how effective it is. It only has a few additional apps, most aren't particularly useful for us (one app is a Minnesota traffic guide? My phone is trying to make me trunky), but it does have Ok Google enabled. So, for the first time in a year and a half, I have been able to say "Ok Google, set a timer for 30 minutes," and actually have it function. I used to pretend to use Ok Google as a joke before but I guess I joked it into working. Beautiful.

We did have quite a few lessons with people this week, mostly with members to support them. One guy just moved into the ward and has zero furniture. Good thing the sister missionaries aren't wanting their recliner anymore! We will be delivering that at some point to him. I love doing service. With Corona we haven't been able to do much service, but delivering furniture? Aye, I can do that. 

Love yall! Have a blessed week. 

1) Hope, AR may be a slice of the good life, but missionary work is the slice of the best life. 

2) Elder Okland and I

3) Elder Okland, a lot of other people, and I. This is our online training group. President Hansen was also there for interviews so we got him in too. 


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