04/27/2020 Calling hogs with Elder Bednar

Sadly the title of this email did not actually happen. Almost.

On Tuesday, we got a special treat. Elder Bednar joined in on our mission-wide zoom call for a little over an hour! He, having lived and raised his family in Arkansas and taught at UA in Fayateville, loves Arkansas and asked at the very beginning of the call "should we call in the hogs?" Sadly we didn't end up doing it. Most missionaries in the mission do not know how to call hogs anyways. The call was really good. He shared really good insights, especially on listening to what the spirit says and not particularly on what the speaker says. Because you want to learn by the spirit, not just learn what the speaker is saying. He likes to through down on people taking notes on what people say in General Conference because he says "you never look at them ever again and usually lose the notes anyway." Take notes on what the spirit tells you. That will be most important than the details of the information shared is. It was really cool to hear Elder Bednar in a more personal setting. He is really funny.

We have been really busy with lessons actually! Definitely one of the busiest I have ever been with teaching, which is great. We have about 4 people that we are having pretty regular contact with. Teaching over technology has actually been pretty good. I tend to fidget when I talk so it's refreshing to be able to do that off screen during a lesson. It's kind of awkward if I'm fiddling with car keys when we are sitting down with them in person. We have also been video calling members of the ward, getting to know them while we are stuck inside. The Hot Springs ward seems really great. Hopefully we will be able to see them in person soon! 

1) the district

2) us and the assistants to the President. We spent a day with them and did missionary work. It was the first time during the mission where I have really spent significant time with the Assistants. 


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