04/20/2020 The Mini Transfer

After just a few weeks, I am now in a new companionship. On Monday we drove to Little Rock and dropped Elder Ashworth off at the Mission Home. It was the first time I had been at the Mission home since I entered the field. There I would pick up my new companion: Elder Probst! We have both been the mission for the same amount of time. He was just in a different MTC district, so I didn't meet him until we were leaving for the airport. He is from Utah. Neither of us have previously been Zone Leaders before this transfer so we're a mess. 

We had a great week! We have been getting a lot of referrals, both member referrals and online ones. Last week a member met a guy selling life insurance and had the prompting to invite him to meet with us. We had two lessons this past week, and he is really cool and clearly understands everything we say and has a lot of feedback for our lessons. Very sharp guy. He is from Wisconsin, and he sounds like it to. I immediately recognized that he was not Southern. You betcha I did. 

Also at the mission home a member of the ward called us and said that a friend of hers is wanting to be baptized. We haven't met him yet but hopefully soon we'll be able to start teaching him! 

Also this past week I hit 18 months! Just 6 more. The past 6 months have flown by like crazy! It's been a wild few turns of events, from being told I was training, to not, then to going back to Memphis, but only for 6 weeks, to COVID-19, to being a zone leader in a trio, to being the lead zone leader in 3 weeks. Now we're here. We'll see what the next 6 months bring! 

1) We attended the Arkadelphia District's District Council. Good group of missionaries. One of the missionaries serving in Arkadelphia was my replacement back in August. He is still there! Elder Probst is the one taking the picture. 

2) Elder Ashworth and I at the mission home. We had a great 4 days in a duo, although we were super sad Elder Hakes had to go. 

3) out here in the Hot Springs Mountains.

Elder Evans


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