04/13/2020 Take up your cross

Happy Easter everyone! Here in Hot Springs we had a good Easter. Our church services are done in our Districts. With the self isolation and the things we are doing because of it, the districts in our mission have grown a lot closer and united because we see them almost every day. For part of our service, we watched President Monson's talk "He is Risen." It is really good! 

Elder Hakes went home this past Wednesday, and Elder Ashworth goes home tomorrow. I am getting my new companion later today. However, I do not know who it is. I am used to that. For the past 3 weeks, I have not known was tomorrow was to bring, so I'm not even mad.
We had a great time in a trio. We were basically the three stooges. 

Also so one thing we are doing as a mission is creating these sweet Facebook pages for different regions of the mission. We share uplifting posts and videos, and we get experience managing a social media page for when we are all on the marketing team for a multinational corporation..... #lifeskills
The page that I am affiliated with is "Church of Jesus Christ in Little Rock" since I am currently in the area round about Little Rock.

1) This man is taking up his cross this Easter season. Being a man with great knowledge, he put a wheel at the end of his cross to make taking it up much easier. We can learn a lot from this man. 

2) I crawled behind a waterfall. Yeah

3) we recorded a special musical number for a live Easter devotional we hosted on our new Facebook page. We recorded it with the Little Rock District, the district I was apart of just one transfer ago. Elder Smith, my last companion in Benton, is still there, so we got to reunite with him.

4) masking up before we go to Walmart and get infected.

5) the District on our hike. Elder Ashworth goes by many names. One of them is "the selfie stick." He always takes our group pictures.  from left to right: Hermana Mejorado, Sister Black, Sister Searing, Hermana Adams, me, Elder Hakes, Elder Ashworth


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