01/20/2020 Serving in the heart of Arkansas

This week has been a pretty standard week in the mission. It started with District P-Day, where we hung out at the church building, than went mini gold at the Big Rock mini golf course. Almost all of us scored within 5 points of each other, so we must all be pretty good, or bad together. The park was also completely empty, so we had the whole place to ourselves.

We had interviews with President this week. It's weird to think I only have 3 more interviews with him before he is released. He has definitely been an inspired and inspiring leader over this mission. The amount of work and love he puts into this mission has been incredible. 

We got to attend a baptism for the missionaries in Little Rock. The sister was being taught by the trio of sister missionaries in Little Rock, and when the sisters all got transferred out or went home, the Little Rock Elders finished teaching her. 

Also I met a less active member of the ward who apparently attended the first Woodstock concert. I'll take his word for it. 

Have a good week!

1) "Big Rock" is a very creative name for a place in Little Rock.

2) one with nature. 

3) Bryant is called the Heart of Arkansas because the geographical center of the state is within the city. In fact we drive past it every time we go to church. We finally stopped and took a picture with it. 


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