01/06/2020 New Year's Eve Adventure

2020 kicked off with a great week! It started off pretty adventurous on New Year's Eve. After having dinner with a family out past East End (quite a ways away from our apartment), we went to go contact some members. It was about 8:15 and dark outside and we needed to be back by 9. Me, always looking for the "least miles" route, decided to take the back roads to get back to the apartment. Back roads I had never been on. 
We drive down these tiny, poorly kept dirt roads in the sisters missionaries' Chevy Malibu (they were borrowing our minivan because they had to tote a bunch of sister missionaries for Transfers). 5 minutes of driving later, we get to the end of the road: There's a gate. Uh oh. We turn back and try another route.
It's a better kept dirt road. But... Gated at the end too.
Now its past 8:30 so we give up on trying these dirt roads and we go back towards where we entered in and take the highway. While heading back we pass two trucks going down the road. Weird. Maybe they wanted to go New Year's mudding. Anyways, we drive back out to the main road: Gated. We seemed to be trapped in!
We were about to call President Hansen telling him we might have to leave the mission car in the woods overnight. Luckily, upon inspection, one of the locks on the gate was not actually unlocked and we were able to escape. But it was a nice scare for us.
The rest if the week was good. A recent convert from Montana was visiting her daughters family this week and her daughter and her son in law came to church! They contacted us beforehand to meet us. They have an almost 40 year old parrot. It talks back and everything! We should be going back this Saturday.
We also have two people on date for baptism right now! We are very excited for them. 

Super great, well rounded week.

1) and old fire truck

2) some neighborhoods are not as fun to be in at sundown. This neighborhood was heavily guarded by unleashed dogs. Hard pass

3) these puppies on the other hand are adorable and I would go neighborhoods with these during daylight or sundown.


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