11/11/2019 Members are the best sometimes

I really appreciate all of the great members I have been able to work with. Obviously with dinners, but then also other things, like rides, supporting missionary work. This week was the second time on the mission where members, unprompted, have bought clothes for people we are teaching who are getting baptized. It's really awesome when they do things like that. 

But yeah, Michael is still on the schedule for this Saturday to be baptized. He is doing super well. We also had a lady come to church who hasn't been to church in probably 15 years. She got out of contact with the church when she moved here, then some missionaries found here, recorded her address wrong, and she fell out of missionaries because no one could find her. Then we ran into her a month or two back, and she finally came back. It's great how the Lord has provided a way for the the missionaries to find her. Even amongst documenting the wrong address. She really liked coming back to church too! 

Those were the two big highlights of the week! On a minor note I celebrated my one year mark in the field this past week. Can't believe I have been in the south for one whole year. Have a great week, everybody.

A couple weeks back we had a Zone P Day. Carved pumpkins, though one one else wanted theirs in the pic. Elder Critchfield and I carved a tiny one. Acts 2:38


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