10/14/2019 Two birthdays, one week

We had a great week down in Benton! We had a surprise blitz with the zone leaders, Elder Hunt and Elder Hakes. They were in town for a meeting in the evening and we went out and found some cool people. I had never really went to Bauxite before, so Elder Hakes and I went there and had a good time. When we got back together, I made some fried chicken for them. This time I did not almost burn down the apartment. 

We had a great lesson with a guy named Mike. He was going to come to church but he was not able to make it. But he really loves when we come by. We have met some really awesome people in Benton! 

Great news as well! The Elders in Jacksonville, AR put a man named Ellis on date for baptism, and he is moving down to Benton today. So we are planning on seeing him this evening. He hasn't been taught many of the principles we teach before baptism, but he is really wanting to make a change in his life! 

Also this week marks two big milestones: today I turn 21 and this week on the 17th I turn 1. I am now about halfway done with my mission and it has been a great year! I am grateful for the opportunity I have been able to meet and serve so many great people down here in Arkansas and Tennessee.

Verse of the week
"If you hesitate in this adventure because you doubt your ability, remember that discipleship is not about doing things perfectly; it’s about doing things intentionally. It is your choices that show what you truly are, far more than your abilities." -Elder Uchtdorf, "Your Great Adventure"
Not actually a verse I guess. I liked Elder Uchtdorf's last General Conference talk. One because it was a big Hobbit reference. 2 because it was also just really good. 

1) this past Zone Conference

2) we found a street corner xylophone. We stopped for an amusing few minutes


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