07/01/2019 Baptism of Karl

Surprise! Karl was scheduled for next Saturday, but after his interview, we felt prompted to ask if he wanted to change it to this Saturday, which he felt good about. He said that while walking to the church to be interviewed he felt like it was going to be on the 29th and not the 6th. The mission's monthly baptizing goal was 27, and at the beginning of the week they were expecting to make it to 26, but our baptism became the 27th (and another companionship in the mission had a miracle baptism, actually putting the total at 28). And it turned out some of the stake patriarch's childrens' families were in town for the patriarch's birthday and they had known Karl growing up, so they got to come and support him at his baptism as well. It was a really cool experience to say the least. And I confirmed him the next day in sacrament meeting. 

Karl's baptism and the preparation for it was most of our week, but there were a few other things to report about

We helped more people move, and we have another one coming up. And some moves have been a continual process, so we are continuing to help some of our previous movers. 

We went on an exchange blitz with the Zone Leaders after the interview. I was with Elder Stradling. We ran into a member who I had heard of but never met. She was nice and said we could come back when (who we assume) is her husband or boyfriend is home. She seemed really genuine though, inviting us in and all, but when we came back for our scheduled appointment but he opened up the door and said "we good fam" and slammed it. It was honestly pretty funny. They got us good! 

One of our friends in the branch is Josh. He is a youth and we went teaching with him today. We taught Winfred, and then his neighbor Brian just walked in. We taught them a great Plan of Salvation Lesson and Josh did a sweet job helping us teach. He will make a great missionary! 

Verse I read this week that I liked 
2 Nephi 1:27
"And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was not he, but it was the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, which opened his mouth to utterance that he could not shut it."

Hope you have a great week. 
Elder Evans

1) for the Mario Kart fans (or people I showed one of my favorite YouTube videos to)

2) Karl!


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