05/06/2019 I mostly have just wildlife photos this week for some reason

Hello all. We had a really cool week here in Arkadelphia. We were getting a little discouraged this week because by Sunday we only had one new person to teach. We had gone out and worked hard, but just no one was coming up. Then on Sunday, after serious prayer, we found 4 people! That was a really cool miracle for us. Our goal for the week was 4, so what we thought was going to be a pretty unsuccessful week turned out pretty great. 

We also taught a man named Keith, who the Elders have been working with for a while. He is the boss of one of the members here and is a real honest seeker of truth. We had a long but good discussion on the topic of grace/faith/works, a very common discussion here in the south. 

We've been using a lot of miles this past week for a myriad of reasons (for those unaware, in a mission car we have a limit on miles per month), so one day we biked. 15 miles in the hilly countryside. We made a journey out of biking to a dinner appointment. We biked and knocked on doors. The family we ate dinner with said we were the first missionaries to bike to their place. 

1) a crawfish mound I talk about last time. 

2) a snake in a driveway. Elder Green is not fond of snakes. We were visiting less actives. The sister we were visiting here ran over the snake. [mother's note: we think it is a Southern Water snake. Not a cottonmouth]

3) a pretty piece of property. That pond is filled with catfish. Like a koi pond but catfish. 


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