04/15/2019 Half a year later

It's been almost exactly half a year since I left home for the MTC. It's crazy how much has happened in the last half a year. I am thankful for all the people I have had the pleasure of meeting so far: companions, members of the branch, other missionaries, church and mission leaders, and the countless many people we have met walking the streets of Memphis. 

This past week has been interesting. I spent two days outside the area on exchanges. I went to Highland Heights with Elder Rivera. We had a guy try and steal our bikes. We walked up with our bikes to talk with him and he walked to us and grabbed my bike (which was actually Elder Hunt's, E. Rivera's usual comp) and said he just wanted to see how fast it goes. As we biked off I turned back and said "it goes this fast." We also got threatened of being drop kicked over the phone. That was funny.

Then the next day I went to Millington with Elder Broadbent. That was also good. It was nice to be doing missionary work in a car. Biking is nice, but being in a car is a nice break. And they have a gym in their apartment complex. 

We helped out at the Temple Open House on Tuesday. That day was the special neighborhood tour event. The people living close to the temple got the opportunity to come and see before anybody else. The workers were working right up to the last minute. The temple was finished less than an hour before people started arriving. This week is the week for open house for the general public. We're going to see who we can bring. 

Sunday was super great. We had some less active members come again, oke of them being a man that we have pretty persistently visiting, who bore his testimony and thanked us for never giving up on him. It was great to see him there, and it's good to know that our persistence is sometimes appreciated. We have it in the plans to start a Bible Study with his family tonight as well. Excited for that! We also had a family come to church with us as well. The father even participated in priesthood, where we talked about how we could strengthen the quorum.

This is the last full week of the transfer. Transfer #5 starts next week! This transfer has flown by.

I prayed with someone in line at Taco Bell this week.

1) I don't have pics from anything other than helping at the temple. Here's Moroni and the moon


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