02/04/2019 "Who is it?" No answer

Transfer #3 has begun. And it kicked off with some pretty good success. We did splits with the zone leaders and we each found a good number of people; many return appointments. Paired with a lot of people last week with return appointments for this week, the latter end of this week was fixing to be pretty busy with lessons. Sadly, pretty much every appointment fell through, mostly just the person in question not being home when they arranged for us to meet with them. We will be working to find ways to avoid this situation because it really made our Friday and Saturday let downs. 

However, we did find a man who came to church this week. He is an older gentleman, lives alone, lives in a run down area, and doesn't have a car. He did like the church service and said he was looking forward to coming back. And he seems pretty interested in the Book of Mormon. Sadly he can't read the small text in the regular copies and large print copies can only be ordered when the person who needs one has a baptismal date. Until then, we will be using a magnifying glass I think. Regardless I am excited for us to work more with him.

The best person we are teaching, who lived right next to the apartment complex, moved. He is still interested in communicating with us. Sadly, he is a long bike ride away, and not actually in our area anymore. We haven't worked out whether we will still teach him or if we will refer him to other missionaries.

Also during the splits with the Zone Leaders, we didn't remember to get back one of our bus passes that Elder Seastrand used, so we were mostly bus-less this week. It got pretty cold on Wednesday here, like 10 degrees with wind chill factored. It was very cold to bike that day. I hope the bike missionaries in MN stayed safe during the polar vortex. Yesterday it was in the 70s though, so now I'm wearing short sleeve shirts. Glad the cold is gone here. 

Also a funny story. On Sunday more morning, we were doing our morning routine and from outside the apartment we here the door to our building open and here some grunts and moans. Neither of our neighbors sounded like that, but we kept on doing what we were doing and tuned it out. But then our door knob started rustling. The man was trying to get into our apartment! Still no speaking from the man, just the occasional grunt. We had locked the door so we weren't very scared but we peered through the peephole and saw a man in his early 20s with his head down standing outside the door. Elder Jolie just said "you have the wrong door dude." The man rested his head on the door for a couple seconds then slowly walked off. Never spoke. Then we watched him walk down the apartment complex property. Arms in his shirt. We think he entered another building. Pretty interesting experience. 

1) we went to Sun Studio last P Day. It was cool to see the recording studio where Elvis, BB King, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and so many others have been. Our tour guide was a musician himself and we saw him at the library one time preparing for a music festival a couple of days ago. 

2) the good thing about people in Memphis leaving their junk everywhere is that occasionally there will be a sofa in a ditch where you can take a quick rest.

3) I may have mentioned this in an earlier email, but semi regularly we administer the sacrament to a mom and son at St. Jude's. They're a great family and I like being able to see them. There is little we can do to ease their burdens but I am eager to do what we can. Pictured on the left are the Steeles, the new senior missionaries that replaced the Davises. 

4. Outside Sun. Also Domino's is hiring. 


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